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С любовью о Господе и глубокой благодарностью, супруги Потаповы.

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Наталья, Юлия 04.10.2015

Rejoice, Matrona, righteous mother, praying for us to the God!

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on the holiest Patriarch Kirill and the Mother Superior of the Intercession Monastery, Abbess Feofaniya, and give prosperity to the monastery Thy. We thank the hotel staff for the warm welcome, for the comfort and services provided to us, for their tactfulness and understanding. May the Lord bless you with many happy years!

Sincerely, Liubov and Irina from St. Petersburg

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С глубоким уважением, семья Канаевых!!!

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С любовью, семья Рыжаковых Н. Новгород

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