Monastery Shrines

Sacred source


In the territory of the monastery historically there was a sacred source destroyed in days of hard times. It has been restored according to historical photos and consecrated by the Most Saint Patriarch Alexy II in 2005. You can gather holy water which is consecrated every day on a prayer at blessed Matronushka’s relics.


Not covered Psaltir


Traditionally, in monasteries the special prayer – not covered Psaltir is made. In our monastery Psaltir is read both in the afternoon, and at night, at a shrine with the relics of Saint just blessed Matrona of Moscow. Behind a candle box you can give names of the relatives on commemoration (Psaltir is read both about health, and about rest).


Excursions on the monastery


The Pokrovsk monastery – the ancient Moscow monastery founded by the tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov in 1635 in memory of the father, the Patriarch Filaret who has died on a holiday of the Intercession of the Theotokos. Initially the monastery was men’s. Before his creation in this place were so-called. “Poor houses” where buried wanderers, beggars overtaken by sudden death. In 1870, on blessing of the prelate Innokenti, Metropolitan of Moscow, monastery the status of missionary has been given. Before revolution around the monastery the extensive necropolis ruined by Bolsheviks together with the monastery settled down. In 1929 the monastery has been closed, and in 1994 is already revived by the decision of the Sacred Synod of Russian Orthodox Church as convent, known in all orthodox world today.

You can order a sightseeing tour on the monastery where you learn about history of monastery, her temples, Saints and shrines in more detail.


Farmsteads of the Pokrovsk monastery


In the years which have passed since the beginning of revival of the Pokrovsk monastery, the monastery has found three farmsteads: in the village of Markovo of Ramensky district of the Moscow region, and 2 in Moscow: Saint just blessed Matrona of Moscow’s temple on Varshavskoye Highway and the temple of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Troitse-Lykove. You can visit temples, having ordered an excursion, to bow to shrines and closer to get acquainted with life of monasteries.


Church of Our Lady of Kazan – a farmstead in the village of Markovo


On blessing of the Most Saint Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexy II in June, 1999 the ancient temple of the 17th century in honor of the Kazan icon of Blessed Virgin Mary which is almost destroyed in days of hard times has been transferred in quality of a farmstead of the reviving Pokrovsk monastery. With the God’s help by 2004 the temple managed to be restored, the sisterly case, economic rooms have been constructed, the subsidiary farm is adjusted. Now the farmstead prospers, in the temple church services for which residents of many neighboring villages and summer residents who thanks to the developed area infrastructure (to a farmstead the road is carried out) become more and more gather are regularly made. In the temple the Sacraments of baptism, Weddings are made. The main shrine – Saint just blessed Matrona of Moscow’s icon with a particle of relics.

Unfortunately, because of load of roads situated near Moscow to conduct a tour to a farmstead quite difficult (the way one way sometimes borrows till 4 o’clock in traffic jams) therefore we suggest our guests to visit two other monastic farmsteads located in Moscow.


Saint just blessed Matrona of Moscow’s temple


Saint just blessed Matrona of Moscow’s temple – the first temple built in Moscow in honor of a great chudotvoritsa. It is constructed on crossing of Varshavskoye Highway and MKAD (32nd kilometer). Great consecration of the temple has been made on February 27, 2010 by the Archbishop of Istra Arseny, the First Vicar to His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

On May 1, 2010 the temple was visited by the Most Saint Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia KIRILL. Having examined all constructions, the temple and the place where the Sacrament of baptism is made, Pervosvyatitel has noted need of construction of similar temples of step availability for all large cities of Russia. The building is small, it is built in tent style, in the cellar there is a baptistery for a baptism of adults with full immersion. Many people passing by come here to pray to blessed Matronushka for the safe road, family affairs, ask consolations in griefs.

Some even accept the Sacred Epiphany, get married, and then christen children. This small island of a prayer among the raging steam of cars grants a joy and peace of mind. On a farmstead nuns of the Pokrovsk monastery constantly live.

In the temple there is Saint just blessed Matrona of Moscow’s icon with a particle of relics.

The organization of an excursion to a farmstead is possible.


The temple of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Troitse-Lykove


On blessing of the Most Saint Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia KIRILL in April, 2013 the Moscow arrival of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Troitse-Lykove has been transferred to the Pokrovsk monastery for organization of a monastic farmstead (Region of Strogino). In the territory of arrival two temples are located: the operating temple of the Dormition of the Theotokos, and an ancient cathedral of the Zhivonachalny Trinity which is on restoration so far.

On May 4, 2013, on the Holy Saturday, the Most Saint Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill has visited the temple of the Dormition of the Theotokos in the Trinity – Lykovo.

In the word the Most Saint Patriarch Kirill has reported that this temple has received the status подворьья the Pokrovsk monastery that, according to the Holy Father, spiritual life of parishioners “was carried out on Saint just Matrona of Moscow’s prayers, a great chudotvoritsa here”. Now on a farmstead sisters of the monastery constantly live, church services, and also the Sacraments of baptism, Weddings are regularly made. The cozy monastic refectory is open for parishioners, the playground is equipped. Many residents of the Region of Strogino come families here to have a rest not only spiritually, but also physically. Thanks to proximity of the park it is easily breathed here, and the territory and the temple of the Assumption are open daily from 08:00 till 19:00.

The organization of an excursion to a farmstead is possible.

